october, 2018

11oct9:00 am- 5:00 pmRealizing a More Fair Global Food Supply Chain

Event Details
abor rights and food justice activists, and farmworkers from Mexico, Morocco, Tunisia and the United States will explore the centrality of agriculture workers to building more fair global food supply
Event Details
abor rights and food justice activists, and farmworkers from Mexico, Morocco, Tunisia and the United States will explore the centrality of agriculture workers to building more fair global food supply chains—and a comprehensive food justice movement. This daylong conference will highlight farmworkers’ experience and their worker rights activism as a foundation to envision and implement more dynamic, interconnected strategies to improve the way our food moves from field to dinner table.
Time: 9 a.m.–5 p.m. Reception follows.
Place: UCLA Downtown Labor Center, 675 S. Park View St.., Los Angeles CA 90057-3306
RSVP: information@solidaritycenter.org
(Thursday) 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Food Chain Workers Allianceinfo@foodchainworkers.org