Alianza Agricola
The Alianza Agrícola is a group led by and comprised of immigrant farmworkers in Western and Central New York. The group came together to create a better future here in New York for immigrant farmworker families and communities. Through participation in the group, Alianza members are empowered to advocate on their own behalf and gain valuable leadership skills and access to opportunities.

Brandworkers International
Brandworkers is a non-profit organization in New York City powered by a global network of committed individuals, advocates, lawyers, and organizers who believe in holding corporations accountable to workers and communities. Brandworkers connects, trains, and mobilizes retail and food employees to assert their rights and to make their voices heard in the public arena.

Burgerville Workers Union
The idea for the country's first legally recognized fast food union came out of organizing efforts of Portland, Oregon's local chapter of the International Workers of the World. The union has since conducted several workplace actions, including a three-day strike of over 40 workers across four stores in Oregon, and is currently in negotiations for their second contract.

Cincinnati Interfaith Workers Center
Formed in 2005, the Cincinnati Interfaith Workers Center is membership-based organization made up of a diverse group of low wage and immigrant workers from various industries that educates and mobilizes workers to achieve positive systemic change. The CIWC fights wage theft, provides rights-based trainings, and organizes workers, community members, and people of faith to engage in workplace justice and solidarity campaigns.

Comité de Apoyo a los Trabajadores Agrícolas
The Farmworker Support Committee's mission is to empower and educate farmworkers through leadership development so that they are equipped with the skills needed to effectively challenge the structures that oppress them. For the past 26 years, CATA has been based upon the belief that only through organizing and collective action will farmworkers be able to achieve social, economic and environmental justice. CATA organizes farmworkers and their families in the mid-Atlantic states.

Community to Community Development
Community to Community's mission and work is influenced by the community organizing model of Cesar Chavez and the Farm Worker's movement in California and Washington State and the values and principles of the World Social Forum process developed in Porto Alegre Brazil.

Familias Unidas por la Justicia
Familias Unidas por La Justicia (FUJ) is an independent farmworker union of indigenous families located in Burlington, WA representing over 500 Triqui, Mixteco, and Spanish speaking workers at Sakuma Bros. Berry Farm. FUJ is the third independent farmworker union formed in WA in 30 years and the first union led by indigenous workers.

Farmworker Association of Florida
A 30-year old, grassroots, community-based, farmworker organization with over 10,000 Haitian, Hispanic and African-American members, FWAF’s core strategy is to help farmworkers realize their power to be effective agents of social and personal change by validating the experience and understanding of farmworkers; building farmworkers’ capacity to participate in decision-making processes that affect their lives; and advocating for farmworkers’ and immigrants’ rights.

Fédération du Commerce
The Federation du Commerce brings together women and men throughout Quebec, in the wholesale and retail trade, the agrifood, finance and tourism sectors. At the time of its creation, the federation had less than 1,500 members and 10 unions. Today, the federation has nearly 30,000 members, grouped into 330 unions.

Global Labor Justice
ILRF is an advocacy organization dedicated to achieving just and humane treatment for workers worldwide. ILRF promotes enforcement of labor rights internationally through public education and mobilization, research, litigation, legislation, and collaboration with labor, government and business groups. ILRF is based in Washington, D.C.

Justicia for Migrant Workers
Justicia for Migrant Workers (J4MW) is a volunteer run political non-profit collective comprised of activists from diverse walks of life (including labour activists, educators, researchers, students and youth of colour) based in Toronto, Ontario, and now in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. We are engaged in this work alongside our personal commitments and numerous social justice struggles.

Laundry Workers Center
Laundry Workers Center United addresses the need for community-based leadership development geared toward improving the living and working conditions of workers in the laundry and food service industries, as well as their families. Our work aims to combat abuses such as landlord negligence, wage theft, and hazardous and exploitative working conditions, all of which are endemic in low-income communities in New York City and New Jersey.

Mississippi Workers’ Center for Human Rights
The Mississippi Workers’ Center for Human Rights was established in 1996 and works in solidarity with 600+ members, including low-wage African American workers, with a special focus on women via Organizing, Popular Education and Advocacy. Key issues include: racial discrimination, sexual harassment and retaliation. The Center conducts door to door outreach, organizes demonstrations and conferences and launches multi-media campaigns.