The Food Chain Workers Alliance’s available e-newsletters:
Our 2014 Year-End e-newsletter highlighted our public education work, support for the Walmart workers campaign, policy and standards work, and worker leadership development.
Our Summer 2014 e-newsletter profiled Pauli Alarcón, a member of the Street Vendor Project, and shared information about the El Super grocery workers campaign, our spring retreat, & our new report “Food Insecurity of Restaurant Workers”.
Our Spring 2014 e-newsletter profiled John Schauer from the Warehouse Workers for Justice and provided updates on food workers’ organizing campaigns, our public education work, and the improved paid sick days policy in NYC.
Our 2013 Year-End e-newsletter highlighted our accomplishments for the year, including the worker organizing campaigns we supported, our tremendous growth, and our work in worker leadership development, policy advocacy, and consumer education.
Our Fall 2013 e-newsletter profiles a worker leader from Brandworkers International and our new member organizations, a report on the Closing the Hunger Gap conference and the Darden shareholder meeting in September, and a call to action to stop the proposed Trans-Pacific Partnership.
Our Summer 2013 e-newsletter features a profile of a worker leader from Center for New Community, updates from our members’ organizing campaigns, a reflection on our worker leaders retreat in June, and our meet-up with Mark Bittman!
The Spring 2013 e-newsletter begins a new feature, profiling a worker leader from one of our member organizations, and updates on our program work.
Our 2012 Year-End e-newsletter celebrates our fabulous 2012, reporting on our membership growth and our four program areas: Campaigns, Workers Leadership Development, Policy & Standards, and Education.
The Fall 2012 e-newsletter included our activities for World Food Day & U.S. Food Day, actions by Darden and Walmart workers, our work on minimum wage and paid sick days, and presentations at two major conferences.
Our Summer 2012 e-newsletter highlighted recent victories by members of the FCWA, the Good Food Good Jobs report by the Applied Research Center, our Food Workers & Food Justice Conference, the Food and Farm Bill, and an article by an FCWA intern on food chain workers in art.
Our Summer 2011 e-newsletter has updates on Alliance member groups and reports from our interns on the torture of labor leaders in Bangladesh who are supporting Walmart garment workers, the documentary “Urban Roots,” and the FCWA’s successful party and fundraiser at COLORS Restaurant!
The Spring 2011 e-newsletter shares news of victories by the Restaurant Opportunities Center of Michigan and UNITE HERE and actions to support farmworkers and all workers on May Day!
The Fall 2010 e-newsletter covers Food & Racial Justice, our Policy work, and an Action Alert in support of the Brandworkers‘ campaign with the Flaum Appetizing food processing workers in New York City!
The Summer 2010 e-newsletter provides a report on our activities at the U.S. Social Forum in June, the Restaurant Opportunities Center of Michigan‘s flash mob targeting Andiamo Restaurant in Dearborn, the Domestic Workers Bill of Rights victory, and Food First‘s Food Workers-Food Justice backgrounder.