november, 2016

Event Details
Join the Coalition of Immokalee Workers, UW-Madison MEChA, students and community members in Madison for a #BoycottWendys action on November 15 at 12:00PM at the Wendy's on State Street! The action
Event Details
Join the Coalition of Immokalee Workers, UW-Madison MEChA, students and community members in Madison for a #BoycottWendys action on November 15 at 12:00PM at the Wendy’s on State Street!
The action is part of the Coalition of Immokalee Workers’ Behind the Braids Midwest tour. As Wendy’s continues to ignore farmworkers’ demands to improve wages and conditions in the fields, the CIW is on the road spreading the truth behind Wendy’s empty Code of Conduct and failed attempts at social responsibility.
To get in touch for more information email us at See you in the streets!
(Tuesday) 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm