november, 2017

Event Details
CIRS is hosting the Community Conversation at the Salton Sea, a space for free interchange of information among agency staff, academics, community organization personnel, and community members. It will be
Event Details
CIRS is hosting the Community Conversation at the Salton Sea, a space for free interchange of information among agency staff, academics, community organization personnel, and community members. It will be an informal sharing opportunity about the work being done by multiple stakeholders while allowing for a focus on community expectations and impacts.
There will be 4 panels, made up of community members, community non-profit organizations, academic researchers, and state & regional agencies. We will open the meeting with remarks from Silvia Paz of Building Healthy Communities – Coachella Valley, and our own Executive Director, Gail Wadsworth. These will be followed by panel discussions. The first panel of community residents will share their stories of what it is like to live near the Sea, how life may have changed over their residencies and what hopes they have for the Sea, going forward. Then the other panels of agency personnel, academics and community benefit organizations/non-profits who are invested in the region/sea will each speak about their work and challenges/successes. Each panel will be moderated by a community resident.
This event is free, snacks and lunch are provided, as are free childcare and English/Spanish interpretation. More information & RSVP HERE
(Saturday) 9:30 am
North Shore Beach & Yacht Club
99-155 Sea View Drive North Shore, CA 92254 United States