november, 2018
Justice for Migrant Workers: A Discussion
Toronto Reference Library
- 789 Yonge, Toronto, Ontario M4W 2G8

12nov7:00 pmJustice for Migrant Workers: A Discussion

Event Details
Gabriel Allahdua, organizer and former migrant farm worker from St. Lucia, Chris Ramsaroop, activist and labour organizer and filmmaker Min Sook Lee discuss the issues and struggles facing migrant workers
Event Details
Gabriel Allahdua, organizer and former migrant farm worker from St. Lucia, Chris Ramsaroop, activist and labour organizer and filmmaker Min Sook Lee discuss the issues and struggles facing migrant workers in the fields, farms and greenhouses of Southern Ontario. 7 pm. Free.
(Monday) 7:00 pm
Toronto Reference Library
789 Yonge, Toronto, Ontario M4W 2G8