november, 2022
22novAll DayTell Your Senator to OPPOSE the Farm Workforce Modernization Act
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Today, we are asking you to once again join us in opposing the Farm Workforce Modernization Act (FWMA). Our members in the U.S. agricultural
Event Details
Today, we are asking you to once again join us in opposing the Farm Workforce Modernization Act (FWMA). Our members in the U.S. agricultural sector collectively represent 16,000 farmworkers, and they have been steadfast in their opposition to FWMA since it was first introduced in 2019 under the Trump Administration. Now it is dangerously close to passing in the Senate once again.
FWMA is an anti-labor bill that will set back farmworkers’ rights for generations. If passed, it would expand E-Verify and a flawed H-2A program while tying the possibility of immigration status to eight years of exploitation. Big corporations in the agriculture industry say they need this bill to deal with labor shortages and rising food costs, but the truth is, they’re the ones responsible for these so-called problems. There wouldn’t be a shortage if employers paid workers a living wage and offered safe working conditions.
CLICK HERE to call your Senator today and tell them to OPPOSE the Farm Workforce Modernization Act.
All Day (Tuesday)
Food Chain Workers