november, 2017
25novAll DaySay No to Tip Theft

Event Details
Donald Trump and his Secretary of Labor, Alex Acosta, are bowing under pressure from the National Restaurant Association to consider a new policy that would let bosses keep employee’s tips.
Event Details
Donald Trump and his Secretary of Labor, Alex Acosta, are bowing under pressure from the National Restaurant Association to consider a new policy that would let bosses keep employee’s tips. Under the proposed rule, employers could take workers’ tips and give just a small percentage back—or none at all. This is robbery, plain and simple.
The restaurant industry is the largest source of sexual harassment claims in the U.S. because legislators have allowed the industry to pay tipped workers – 70% of whom are women – as little as $2.13 an hour. Since 40% of tipped workers are single moms, that means millions of women across America must tolerate sexual harassment and assault from customers on a daily basis in order to feed their families on tips. In our industry, for every story shared on #MeToo, there are millions more never shared at all.
Trump’s new rule would make millions of women who are already vulnerable to harassment from customers in order to earn their income in tips even more vulnerable to harassment, now from management who would have the right to keep those tips. And every one of us who eats out would not know whether the hard-earned money we leave for workers in tips is actually going to workers or managers and owners.
What the Trump administration is considering is robbery, plain and simple, and could expose millions of women who work in the restaurant industry to even more sexual harassment and assault.
November 25th is the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. Take action now to protect women and all tipped workers in the restaurant industry and their hard-earned tips!
All Day (Saturday)
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