november, 2017

24nov10:00 am- 2:00 pmTour of Shame around the Herald Square shopping corridor

Event Details
on Friday, November 25th (Black Friday) in a Tour of Shame around the Herald Square shopping corridor. We'll gather at the RAP offices at 10am for a lite bite
Event Details
on Friday, November 25th (Black Friday) in a Tour of Shame around the Herald Square shopping corridor. We’ll gather at the RAP offices at 10am for a lite bite and coffee and head out together to hit up a host of target retailers who are spoilers of holidays, economies, and communities.
If you remember, each November, the Retail Action Project (RAP) turns out its base and allies to protest the greed, racism, and downright dirtiness of the retail industry. We know that despite the great deals, Black Friday represents some of the worst things about our country; unending consumerism, worker abuse (domestic and global), discrimination based on race, age, gender, sexual identity, the plunder of the environment and the maintenance of a low-wage, race to the bottomed economy.
Part of our answer to all of this is to step out on Black Friday, a day when we really see some of the most despicable treatment and behavior, to call out many of the worst offenders and give voice to workers along the entire retail production chain, many of whom have to work that day.
Please join us to call them out, support the workers and build new relationships!
Time: 10:30a.m. – 2p.m. @ the RAP office (370 7th ave. 7 Penn plaza New York NY 10001)
(Friday) 10:00 am - 2:00 pm
RAP office
370 7th ave. 7 Penn plaza New York NY 10001