Updates, July 11, 2013
We have been supporting Alliance member UNITE HERE’s campaign with Philadelphia school workers in Philadelphia. The workers and allies were fasting because tremendous cuts and lay offs were scheduled to take place and this would have negative impact on students safety. On July 1st after 15 days of fasting, they broke the fast on positive note as a new plan was proposed. Read more about this campaign here. Go to realfoodrealjobs.org to learn more about this campaign and to get updates.
Campaign for Fair Food
“You’re Burrrrgers may be square but your food ain’t fair! Hey Wendy’s!” Last month this was one of our chants in New York and Philadelphia as we participated in actions to support the Coalition of Immokalee Workers (CIW) campaign for Fair Food against Wendy’s. In New York we helped to mobilize allies to participate in a rally and action in Union Square Park to support the CIW’s campaign against Wendy’s. FCWA members and allies in New York participated in an action on Saturday May 18 with more than 200 attendees and a fun teatro which showed the Fair Food Campaign’s progression throughout the years. This action was gearing up for Wendy’s shareholder meeting on Wednesday May 23 where farmworkers and allies attended the shareholder meeting inside and supporters held a press conference outside of the hotel of where the shareholder meeting was taking place. On Monday June 3rd during the Annual FCWA Workers Leaders Retreat, we held an action with Philly Campaign for Fair Food at a local Wendy’s in Philadelphia and got a lot of press coverage. It was a lively action with singing chanting and dancing! Check out the video on our youtube channel! Visit ciw-online.org to learn more about the Fair Food Campaign and to get updates on the Wendy’s campaign.
Labor Standards for NYC Food Manufacturers Growth Fund
On Thursday May 23 we also supported Alliance member Brandworkers International at rally against Goldman Sachs. At the rally we attempted to deliver petitions signed by NYC residents who are concerned about public tax dollars supporting food manufacturing businesses that are know to exploit workers. We were denied entrance into the building. However, a board member said he would deliver the signatures to Alicia Glen, the managing director of the investment group. Read this article about the action and visit Brandworkers.org to learn more about this campaign and to find out how you can take action!
Dignity at Darden
We continue to support Alliance member Restaurant Opportunities Center‘s Dignity at Darden campaign. On May 22 we participated in action in NYC at Capital Grille Restaurant. We chanted “Darden, Darden you can’t hide. We’ve got justice on our side”. We also spoke to customers about the conditions workers face at Darden restaurants and had a lively action with allies and supporters. To learn more about this campaign and to find out how you can support, visit dignityatdarden.org.
Making Change at Walmart
Lastly we have been supporting the Wal-Mart strikers. Wal-Mart workers across the country went on strike and organized the “Ride for Respect” caravan to Bentonville, Arkansas for Wal-Mart’s annual shareholder meeting on June 7. You can take action today to demand Wal-Mart stop silencing workers!