Although the Alliance is only a year and a half old, we have already accomplished a lot:
* organized two workers exchanges in which workers from Alliance groups shared stories and strategies and began developing the relationships needed to build their collective power. At our November exchange in Washington, D.C., we picketed a Giant supermarket in support of the Coalition of Immokalee Workers‘ Fair Food campaign since Giant’s
parent company, Ahold, has still refused to sign an agreement with the CIW to pay 1 penny more per pound of tomatoes to the farmworkers in south Florida. Edith, a turkey processing worker from Iowa, said she had never participated in a protest like that before and is now inspired to lead actions to demand justice in her community. Click here for photos and videos of the action!
* built support among member groups who took action in solidarity with each other
* started research to publish a report on the state of food workers in the U.S.
* supported struggles of food workers in Colombia and Honduras
* created and released a pilot educational curriculum about food workers and justice in partnership with the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee. This has now been expanded for other denominations, churches, schools, and other organizations. Click here to download the curriculum.
* joined the Domestic Fair Trade Association and helped to launch the US Food Sovereignty Alliance
* presented at five conferences, including the US Social Forum and the Community Food Security Coalition annual conference, reaching about 250 people!